Dr. Laurent Flores
Dr. Laurent Flores counts over 20 years of business experience with a unique mix of international business management, academic experience and successful entrepreneurship. Trained as a computer science analyst he started his carreer in this field before graduating from a business school where he discovered marketing and analytics. He joined the Market Research Industry working in different countries (UK, Beligium, France). In 1998, he moved to the US to become International Director of a leading market research company (Ipsos) where he lead its Internet North Armerica business as Vice_President. In 2000, he founded, CRM Metrix, a Digital Marketing Analytics Company. For over 10 years, Laurent developed this self financed start up expanding in different countries (offices in NY, Cincinnati, Paris and Singapore) counting Fortune 500 companies as clients (P&G, L'Oréal, Michelin, Google, etc.). In 2011, CRM Metrix was succesfully sold and integrated into a larger marketing research group. Since then, Laurent shared his time between teaching, researching and two new ventures development in the field of "Big Data Analytics" and the "Internet of Things".
Professor Flores was a permanent Professor at Fordham University New York, and teaches at Université Paris Panthéon-Assas. A regular author, his articles have appeared in publications such as Marketing Science, Journal of Adertising Research, Décisions Marketing, etc. on the topic of digital marketing analytics, marketing metrics, social media and innovation. He is co-author of Marketing Management: a Value Creation Process (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), author of "Mesurer l'Efficacité du Marketing Digital"(Dunod, 2012, the book received the Prize of best Marketing award in France, Académie des Sciences Commerciales (2013). His last book deals with "How to Measure Digital Marketing" (Palgrave Mac Milan, 2014) and has been nominated as finalist for best marketing book of the year award for 2015.
He was recently elected as President of ESOMAR for the term (2015-2017), Esomar is the world leading research association (
www.esomar.org), that counts members in over 50 countries. In 2006, he was elected on the Board of WOMMA, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association in Chicago. He was on the board and Vice-President of Adetem, the French Marketing National Association for a number of years.
Regularly quoted in the international press such as the NY Times, IHT, Les Echos, etc. Laurent is a happy fahther of two grown up kids and passionate about Sailing, Football and specifically FC Barcelona.